Feb 13, 2006

Summer in middle of Winter

Well, don't get confused, possibly it's just my expression. It's been almost in the middle of winter, but this year it appears we have a mild winter.
This weekend when the weather was quite nice, we had chance to come to one viewing spot nearby our neighborhood so we can see downtown, Bow River and range of the Rockies from distance.Wow,can't believe with the view, brown ground not white speck at all on the ground. Comapred to summer, we have no leaf trees o(^_^)o


marpuah said...

Rockies-nya bagus bangeettt...... kapan ya bisa ikut lihat...

Yulini said...

Bisa diatur kalo mang niat seh.. Rin..elo dah nyoba cek apply sekolah ke Montreal 'nggak.. agak2 gampang disana lho (denger2)..lagi biaya hidup lebih murah deh..

marpuah said...

iya seh... yang ga ada emang niatnya.. hehehe

di montreal? ada jurusan geologi? universitasnya apa aja? bukannya kalo di sana kudu bisa basa prancis?