Feb 16, 2006

Today, real winter finally comes

Woala!! What we are waiting for finally comes. It actually started yesterday. We had big leap of 20°C. Before, we hardly had below 0 deg when it was so bad we could have -10C. Anyway, I felt so frozen yesterday. I complained to my husband about it. He said to me - Welll we'll see what's gonna happened to you tomorrow when it feels like -41°C with windchill. Hah!

Inevitably, I had to go to office this morning. I was a bit prepared, yesterday I parked the car at the backside of our apartment so at least I don't need to wipe the snow as the parking area is covered. But still, I had a nice welcome from Mr.Cold which gave me a bit runny nose.. sluurrp :( coz I had to unplug the cord of heater cable, heat up the car for about 5 minutes, enough exposure with coldness before ready to drive.

Why I complained? I thought this is part of the consequences that I have to cope with living in place with this extreem weather. I was fine las winter..
I wondered.. possibly because of indulgence of "summer-like in the middle of winter" I had at the beginning of this winter makes me hesitant to face the reality of winter o(^_^)o

1 comment:

marpuah said...

shout box nya kok ilang lagi lin? gw jadi bingung neh....

met berdingin2 ria deh... kalo di sini mah, tiap sore pasti hujan. kadang hujan besar disertai angin kencang n kilat. salah satu akibatnya, setengah dari pohon beringin andalan kantorku tumbang dengan sukses. padahal masih muda lho.