Jun 29, 2006

One hot summer day

Yesterday, oh gosh ! It was really hot summer day. It was only 27°C but it felt like 35°C due to humidity.
It was okay, in the morning when I went out with Rafee. It was sunny and a bit windy. Our outing program was quite hectic. First, I drop some bric-brac of stuffs that no longer used at Thrift shop, then to
Public Library.
At library, I picked up a book of Mitch Albom " Tuesdays with Morrie" that I requested to hold. This book in fact was referred by
Slesta. "This's a great book", said one library staff at the checkout. I can't wait to read that. Other things, decorating books. Why so?
This is part of our big plan this year. Hooorayy finally ... we will be moving to our new house end of this July. I have been dreaming to decorate my own house. To gather ideas for the project, initially I visited website of my favourite TV shows - HGTV . Then, I was thinking why not getting the books from the library. So here we are.. I have got some projects to do for the house.

Around noon, I headed to one mall to meet my officemates at the foodcourt. Well, they are new mom too. Bronwen, a geologist with a 10-month baby girl and Debbie, an environmentalist with a 9-month baby boy. So, 3 moms and 3 babies met together. We chatted, shared stories, asked each other about plan to go back to office. Oh.. typical mom talks. I had a wonderful time and also Rafee as he had chance to see and maybe also to learn what big babies were doing.
When, I went to the parking area, ready to drive home. I realised the day got hot. Phew.. hot..hot.. hurry to get on the car, turned on the AC otherwise Rafee would cry all the way. I just can't concentrate to drive when he starts crying at the back seat - I have to put his car seat at the back seat. Finally, we got home. Though, I opened the window and door in our room, it was still hot. Rafee
was crying, I guess because of the heat. I took off his cloth. He was smiling at me, happy .. then fallen to sleep.
I can't believe I will do that here. As since he was born, we always try not to let him be exposed with cold weather. It was the first time my baby sleep, just with his nappy on.

1 comment:

sLesTa said...

it is indeed a great book. saking bagusnya, itu buku gue bawa kemana2.. heheh...