Apr 17, 2008

Winter wonder land in Spring

Winter wonderland is back.

It’s been 3 days snow falling, will keep going on till Tue.

Mother nature seems to make all regions here experience even winter troublesome. Eastern had couple of severe snow storms in January February. While Western had spring like weather in Winter. Now she takes revenge giving us more than enough snow to whiten all about to green gound, just in two days. This time, Eastern and western totally 180degree difference. Whereas, we just had lovely sunny warm 25deg C weekend last week. I even planned to box in all my winter gear/clothes exchanging with summer stuffs since last week.

I just can’t wait to see green blanket in our neighbourhood what we have now nothing but white.

I just can’t wait to see my tulips start blossoming. I saw their brown buds came out already last week. They may think, heeeyy what’s going on here how come the white still covering me. Isn’t enough I you it for more than 4 month since Fall.

I can’t wait to put shorts or no sleeve shirt on Rafee. I can’t wait to have barbecue lunch at weekends. I can’t wait for our summer vacation to visit orchards, vineyard and Kelowna in BC this July.

Can you wait for womderful moments in your favourite season?