Dec 19, 2009

Ouchie shots

She turns 4 months 4 days ago and today she had 4 shots to get immunised.
She is still adorable and hope she'll will always be.
I can't keep even a minute away from her admiring her white pearly skin, so smooth .. Ohh she is a really blessing for us. I remember when I was still single, had a chance to hold someone's baby girl with unspoiled smooth like silk skin, typical baby skin..  daydream I wish to have my own baby like this..  and it came true...

Holding her in public health nurse's room, half naked just with her diaper on, she was happy, excited, giggle without knowing that shortly 4 needles will be poked on her chubby thigh. Then in seconds, the nurse gave me sign to be ready to hold her tighter.. then big cry out loud... "I know baby it hurts"
4 spots gave insignificant bleeding but I asked for bandage to cover it..  "It's okay I will peel them carefully without hurting her. I thought it's better to put the bandage on. She was still crying, sobbing. even in next 10 minutes. In her first vaccine, when she was 2 months old, she cried only short time, as I was able to soothe her by breastfeeding. But this time, she could not calm down, she even refused breast. Then I decided to take her home while she was still crying. Luckily, she felt asleep in the car. She is just too tired crying.