Sep 11, 2007

Little bookworm

Today, we have a wonderful day, at almost near summer end. The sky is clear blue - I think I never see this such clear blue sky here before. Img_0535_1The sky is not even tinted with any single of thin, wispy layer of cirrus cloud. That really amazed me when I took a walk to library at our neighborhood this morning. I need to pick up a book that I asked for a hold. It was so nice and warm.

My little one, Rafee starts enjoying library visit since he started walking. I let him walk himself, passing the automatic door and dropping the books to return by the small window close to the entrance. That becomes things he likes to do on the library visit. He goes through the door and normally he will go through to the children book section which is located at far back of the library area. He can remember the way. He likes to drop by playing the computer. I bet almost kids will be interested in playing with a colorful keyboard and tiny transparent mouse, though just for clicking them.

What he likes to get from the library? Flip board books, any books with images of train, cars, fish, animal and numbers. He is also big fan of Thomas and Bob. Hm.. pretty standard I guess for small boy at his age. I am so blessed that he likes books so much, it’s actually what I aimed at.

I introduced books when he was around 3-4 months. I know, at the beginning I felt a bit awkward, introducing books to babies?? Reading him, showing him page by page while he wonders what’s all about, Mommy. In fact, for them books are educational toys as they can play and learn. It stimulates their visions, their hearing and also introducing to different textures. I kept doing that with the hope of he will love to books. I believe the habit will develop later on when he’s big enough to flip the book and enjoy it.

Now, I feel so glad, I am benefited from it. He is never far from books. Always wanna have reading session during his playtime. Never get bored ask me or his daddy to read his books, over and over again. Sometimes I notice if nobody around him, he flips the pages and rattles as if he reads it. Oh.. so funny to hear his sounds.

Hope he will not get bored, or maybe there will be a time he will not be interested in anymore. I don’t know. But I think most of kids like to have someone read books, right.

So, start introducing books to your little ones since their babyhood.